Distance Selling Contract

ARTICLE 1- PARTIES Seller Title: IQRA GROUP TEKNOLOJİ EĞİTİM HİZMETLERİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ (hereinafter referred to as "Seller"). Authorized Person Acting on Behalf of the Seller Legal Entity: RACHID BEN GHOZLEN Seller Mersis No: 463372 Seller Internet Address: https://www.iqra-akademie.com Seller Address: Kavaklidere Mah. Ataturk Blv. No: 185/6 Çankaya/Ankara Seller Phone: 05395243944 Seller E-mail: info@iqra-akademie.com 1.2- BUYER Recipient Name-Surname: ________ (hereinafter referred to as "Recipient"). Buyer TC: ________ Recipient Address: ________ Buyer Phone: ________ ARTICLE 2- SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT This distance sales contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is related to the determination of the rights and obligations between the buyer and the seller in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Law. ​ ARTICLE 3- FEATURES, PRICE AND PAYMENT METHOD OF THE SERVICE SUBJECT TO THE AGREEMENT 3.1- The characteristics of the service subject to the contract are as follows: The buyer receives a certain number of weekly online live lessons from an expert via Zoom, either in the form of individual or group lessons and pays for one month of lessons in advance. ​ 3.2- The contract price is determined by the parties according to the kind, number and length of the lessons in Euro including all taxes. The receiving party must pay the agreed price within 7 days. Otherwise, the obligation of the seller to perform the agreed service shall cease. It has been decided to pay the contract price with the following payment method: Credit card or bank transfer. ​ ARTICLE 4- PLACE OF PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERY METHOD OF THE AGREEMENT The contract is deemed to enter into force upon its approval by the buyer. With the performance of the service that the buyer has purchased from the seller, the seller fulfills his debt. The address where the contractual service will be performed is as follows: Performance Address: Online ​ ARTICLE 5-EXPENSES RELATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICE The expenses related to the performance of the contracted service belong to the seller. The performance of the contract is carried out by the seller within 7 days at the most, together with the payment of the contract price to the seller by the buyer. If the buyer has not paid the agreed price within 7 days of signing the contract, the seller's performance obligation is eliminated. ARTICLE 6- DECLARATIONS AND COMMITMENTS OF BUYER AND SELLER By confirming this contract electronically, the buyer undertakes to provide the basic features of the ordered product, the price of the product including taxes, payment and delivery information accurately and completely. The buyer should review the contractual product with due care after delivery. If the inspection is not done before delivery, the responsibility for the defective products belongs to him. The seller is obliged to deliver the product subject to the contract to the buyer, in accordance with the relevant legislation, intact, complete, in accordance with the specified features of the product and, if available, together with the warranty certificate and user manual. ARTICLE 7-Force Majeure Force majeure is defined as a force majeure event that does not exist or cannot be foreseen at the date of signing of the contract, develops beyond the control of the parties, and prevents one or both of the parties from fulfilling their obligations and responsibilities under the contract, partially or completely, or from fulfilling them at the agreed time. In the event of force majeure (natural disaster, war, terrorism, uprising, changing legislation provisions, seizure, strike, lockout, significant malfunction in production facilities), the party that cannot fulfill its obligations arising from the contract due to force majeure shall immediately notify the other party in writing. . ARTICLE 8-RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL The buyer has the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without having to show any reason and without paying any penalty. It is sufficient that the notification regarding the use of the right of withdrawal is directed to the seller within this period. The buyer may use the movable property received to the extent required by a regular review. Otherwise, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised. In case of exercising the right of withdrawal, the shipping cost is borne by the seller. ARTICLE 9-RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES For the resolution of disputes arising from this contract, the Consumer Arbitration Committee is authorized up to the value declared by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, in the place where the buyer purchased the service or the seller's residence, and the Consumer Courts are authorized for disputes whose price is not determined by the Ministry. District or provincial consumer arbitration committees are authorized for consumer demands in line with the lower and upper limits specified in accordance with article 68 of the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of the Consumer. CONTRACT SIGNING DATE: ________ BUYER SIGNATURE SELLER SIGNATURE


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Kavaklıdere Mah. Atatürk Blv. No: 185/6